(503) 799-8354
eXp Realty, LLC - 2210 Mission Street SE, #250, Salem, OR 97032

About me

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Michael Jester

I never knew I would love real estate as much as I do having discovered this career after having long careers in the US Air Force, the hotel industry, non-profit management, commercial and residential contracting, and even as a pastor for over 15-years. My travels have taken me across the country from NY to LA, and all places in between the two coasts. I’ve seen Ireland, the UK, Bermuda, and spent a fair amount of time discovering Baja Norte better known as Baja California, Mexico.

I love surfing up and down the west coast including Tofino, BC. Winters usually see me out playing in the snow skiing, shoeing, or tubing with an evening of smores around the fire. Spring in the mountains hanging out on the south side of Mt. Hood, having a few lazy days camped in Elk Meadow in the Mt. Hood Wilderness calls my heart back out every spring. And who can resist the spring and fall salmon runs as well as hunting in the fall and winter? You can also find me in the gym regularly just trying to keep healthy and fit and looking to run my next 5K, 10K, or marathon (I’ve completed 4 marathons…so I think I’ve got a good head start on them).

When I’m not running, or outside getting wet, cold, tanned, or exhausted, I love home time with my wife binge watching notable Netflix, Hulu, and other guilty pleasures. I enjoy getting creative in the kitchen with a love of good food, great baked goods, and my personal hobby immersed in all aspects craft beer brewing, and enjoying all the subtleties the bottles of wine from any of the 564 amazing Willamette Valley wineries who harvest the 22,846 planted acres of vineyard dirt in the place we call “home.”

I enjoy making friends every day wherever I go. A stroll down 3rdstreet in Mac, or breakfast at the Wildwood really is like living and eating with my community family. Meeting people in all stages of life excites me as I get to listen to stories from people and at all stages of life. Some people have I meet live in modest historic homes while others enjoy every square foot of their perfectly planned mansion. I count as my friends people who live in RVs and some who call the streets of large urban cities “home” without any walls other than their tent or cardboard box. They all have one thing in common, the desire to be connected to the place they live in and people they live with.

Real estate is a huge piece in connecting family and building community. People meet in restaurants and living rooms to talk and share life, to dream and plan, and to build stories…epic stories that are told for years down through generations. It’s in these spaces and places of real estate where we find success, and struggle. It is my firm belief that real estate helps every person have the chance to write his or her own story.

I believe real estate is more than just buying and selling homes and commercial spaces. I love to walk with people through all aspects of their real estate journey. From high school students and their parents wondering if they can afford to buy a small home near the college of choice as a start for a future success, or a couple wondering how they can use an extra room for an Air B-N-B. Not knowing the value in your home, or wondering if a remodel is in the cards for the future are all points where I can assist with advice in your decision making process. My experience and associations with professionals in law, finance, education, construction, and oh yeah…real estate, can provide you a chance to write a story with the best team of advisors who will assist you along your real estate journey. Our team of advisors can assist you at any stage of your life with the wisdom to help you make the best plan for your today and future relying on informed decisions executed at the right time to reach your goals.

It doesn’t matter what property you own or want to own. Everybody’s real estate choices are as varied as their dreams. If you are looking at a starter home, second home, building an addition to make money as an Air B-N-B, or that second home at the coast for vacation and as a VRBO, I’m here to listen and assist. My team can help you make informed choices and plot a course for your plan and help you execute it with success.

Please reach out to me at My Real Estate Advisor Team on any social media platforms of your choice, or continue to check out our website. Just reach out; let’s grab a cup or glass of your favorite drink while building community and hearing your dream. I know we can start making that dream a success.

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